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Published on 10 April 2024

Karin Keller-Sutter

Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter has been Head of the Federal Department of Finance FDF since January 2023.

See also

10 April 2024

Autograph card from Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter

Use this form to order an autograph card.

13 February 2024

Interviews et contributions

Une sélection d’interviews de la conseillère fédérale Karin Keller-Sutter.

10 April 2024


To read – a selection of speeches by Federal Councillor Karin Keller-Sutter.

10 April 2024

Former Heads of Department

When the modern Swiss federal state was founded in 1848, Federal Councillor Martin J. Munzinger was the first to take charge of the «Department of Finance». Since then, over thirty Federal Councillors have headed the department. In 2010, a female Federal Councillor took up the post for the first time.