FDF Publications
The current publications of the Federal Department of Finance.
Public finances 2024 statistical data
The pocket statistics provide an overview of budgets at federal, cantonal and municipal level.
Key figures Swiss Financial Centre
Once a year, the State Secretariat for International Financial Matters publishes up-to-date figures on Switzerland as a location for financial services.
2024 Long-Term Sustainability Outlook
The Federal Department of Finance provides the basis for sustainable financial planning. This is already the fourth edition of the long-term sustainability report.
The Swiss Confederation - a brief guide
‘The Swiss Confederation – a brief guide’ contains information about Switzerland's political system, administration and judicial authorities. In addition to explaining the workings of the state it provides insight into the activities of the Federal Administration. ‘The Swiss Confederation – a brief guide’ is available online, as a printed brochure and as an app for tablets and smartphones.
National fiscal equalization
The booklet shows how the national financial compensation system works, explains the various elements and analyses its effectiveness in the first years since the new system was introduced.
Leitfaden für zukünftige Steuerpflichtige
Dieses Heft ist primär für den Schulunterricht konzipiert, kann aber für alle Steuerzahler/innen von grossem Nutzen sein.
The debt brake
The brochure provides at a glance the functioning, history, effects, fiscal policy challenges and success story of the debt brake.
Grundzüge des schweizerischen Steuersystems Die Steuern des Bundes / Die Steuern der Kantone und Gemeinden Ausgabe 2021
The Swiss Tax System
Main features of the Swiss tax system Federal taxes / Cantonal and communal taxes Edition 2023