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DossierPublished on 23 April 2024

Fiscal Sustainability Report for Switzerland

Trends such as ageing and climate change have a long-term impact on public finances. The Fiscal Sustainability Report highlights the need for action in economic and fiscal policy.

23 April 2024

2024 Long-Term Sustainability Outlook

The Federal Department of Finance provides the basis for sustainable financial planning. This is already the fourth edition of the long-term sustainability report.

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Latest press releases

  • 28 March 2024

    Publication of state financial statements for 2023

    As of 28 March 2024, the state financial statements for 2023 are available in electronic format on the website of the Federal Finance Administration (FFA). The figures are also available in the federal budget data portal. The hard copy will be released on 15 April 2024. The Federal Treasury activity report is published to complement the state financial statements.

  • 1 November 2023

    Middle East conflict: Federal Council reiterates urgent need to respect international humanitarian law and proposes additional CHF 90 million in humanitarian aid

    The Federal Council reiterates its unequivocal condemnation of the terrorist attacks carried out by Hamas since 7 October and calls for the immediate release of all hostages. It recognises Israel's right to ensure its defence and security, and stresses that international humanitarian law must be respected by all parties. In view of the extremely alarming humanitarian situation, the Federal Council is proposing to allocate a further CHF 90 million in aid to the region.

  • 15 September 2023

    Federal Council adopts second addendum to 2023 budget

    During its meeting on 15 September 2023, the Federal Council approved the second addendum to the 2023 budget. It is submitting 13 supplementary credits totalling CHF 241 million to Parliament. These mainly relate to the procurement of a new aircraft for the Federal Air Transport Service, the operating expenditure of the federal asylum centres and a one-off contribution to the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC).

Federal Finance Administration FFA

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Switzerland - 3003 Bern